Monday, January 25, 2010

Youth update!

The youth group during our Planning meeting Jan. 16th, 2010, 3rd Sat of January, came up with suggestion to have a group meeting/ study/ discussion after lunch gathering some second Sundays of the month.

The first topic for discussion will be the Origins of the Rosary as suggested by Lani Miranda. This first group study will be on Feb 14. Rosary kits will be distributed for families who want to participate in a Rosary making project. You are all invited to participate and share your knowledge of the Holy Rosary. Bible readings/ study will be for next group discussion.

The youth band will be meeting at Jeremy Halsdorff's house. He will be emailing members re: dates and times.

Other suggested activities were nursing home visits, collecting canned/ dry foods for poor, collecting old jackets for homeless shelters, making holiday cards for sick and elderly.
The Youth Members and Parents/ Leaders are eager to embark on these plans for 2010.

Next Youth meeting falls on Feb. 20th which is our Family Fun Night so we will spend 1-3 pm rehearsing.

Happy Valentines!

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