Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Toys for Tots

Dear Friends,

This holiday season, we would like to help those families who are less
fortunate.  We especially want to share the joy and love that
Christmas symbolizes with the children of these families, while
promoting charity and a sense of responsibility for others among our

To accomplish this, we, the Malden Chapter of the Filipino Apostolate,
will be helping our host Parish, St. Joseph's Church, in their Toys
for Tots program.

The U.S. Marine Corps Reserve conducts this Toys for Tots Program.
Each year, from October through December, they collect new and
unwrapped toys and distribute these toys as Christmas gifts to needy
children in the community in which the campaign is conducted.

Please bring a new, unwrapped toy on December 12th at our Second
Sunday Filipino Apostolate Mass at St. Joseph's, Malden.  A designated
Toys for Tots box will be in the Church Hall.  The US Marine Corps
Reserve will be picking up the toys on Dec. 13th.

Thank you for your generosity and may our good Lord bless you and your family.

Yours in Christ,

Danny Talaid
Malden Coordinator

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